Friday, November 14, 2008

Is this a good time to Move ? Offices I mean...

We all know as the year ends, we take stock on how our 2008 plans/goals materialized or didn't. We begin thinking of what the stumbling blocks were. We like to blame our broker managers, or office but some of us look inward for the lack of success. Did we not stick to the plan in terms of prospecting, did we let our lack of business drag us down? Was the plan flawed right from the start?. Maybe the plan was good but it simply was not effectively implemented.

Whatever 2008 looks like for you, if you're planning on staying in the business, you're about to re-energize your future. It usually starts with taking a hard look at the 2008 plan. Maybe the plan was unrealistic, maybe it wasn't consistently executed, or maybe the tools were not there to assist you.

Often a change in location - a change from one office to another will energize your efforts. If you do decide to take that route, don't expect that the impressive toolset presented at your interview with the new office will do the trick for your 2009. So many of us jump from office to office hoping the next will be THE place where our business will take off, but not changing the way we work or holding ourselves accountable.

I say - look inward. In order to achieve success, good tools and good support is critical. You should make sure you align yourself with a company that has a technology vision, provides planning support and consistent coaching. But if YOU don't take responsibility for where you are now and where you want to go, it really doesn't matter what toolsets a brokerage provides for you.
Use this end of year time to assess your efforts in 2008. Be realistic, set achievable and trackable goals. Look at that plan and measure yourself DAILY - I guarantee you'll be proud of your efforts this time next year! And you WILL achieve success!